Grandma Austin’s letter to Cousin Melva

The Pines
C M Austin, Prop.

Eldred NY

Wednesday night

Dear Melva and all the rest of the Family:
We sure were glad to hear from you and to know you folks are well. I hear your grandfather is down with you. I also heard that he is to be Joanie Hills Grandfather, too. Did he tell you?

We had a lunch down in the Church Hall today. They served salmon loaf, creamed potatoes, tomatoes, salad and apple pudding.

Next time you come here, you will think you got in the wrong house for I am having the kitchen papered and painted and it is some job.

First the ceiling had to be washed and two coats of paint put on the ceiling and all the rest of the wood work. Now they are ready for the paper which has not come yet, so they will begin to paint the room where you slept and paper it also. I will try and send you some apples in a day or two and put in pieces of the wallpaper. I will have two clean rooms. Tell your mother I will try and write to her soon.

Love to you all,


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