
LeRoy Crabtree, son of John and Ida

Friday, March 31st, 2006

LeRoy Crabtree was the third child of John and Ida Higginson.

LeRoy and Jasper.

LeRoy married Ollie McElroy in 1932.

Here is LeRoy holding his first born, Mary Ellen.

Mary Crabtree, youngest daughter of John & Ida

Thursday, March 30th, 2006

Young Mary

Mary at her high school graduation.

Mary with her mother Ida Emily.

Mary Ida Crabtree

Family of John and Ida Higginson Crabtree

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

John Lewis Crabtree

Ida Emily Higginson Crabtree

This is a photo of the young family. From the right: LeRoy, Mary, Myrtie, Johnie. Grandma Myrtie was 15 years older than Mary, the youngest.

Crabtree Family 1911-1912. From the left: John, Johnie, Ida, LeRoy. In front: Mary, Myrtie.

Long Pine, Nebraska Home

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

From Pine Glen, John and Ida Crabtree moved to Ainsworth, Nebraska, where they had a restaurant for a bit. Then they moved to Long Pine, Nebraska. They rented first, and then bought the house. Here are two photos of the Long Pine house.

The Briggs Family, Irwin, Myrtle, Laura, Mildred, and 3 week old Mary visited John and Ida (Myrtle’s parents) at their Long Pine home, on their way back east.

March 27, 2006: Visit With the Higginson Cousins in Sun City, Arizona

Monday, March 27th, 2006

A special thank you to Zee and her husband Willis for hosting a Higginson cousin time at her house today. I sure enjoyed my time with Zee and Willis, LaRetta and Ron, and Darrell and Betty. I met Zee and LaRetta last year when they visited at my house in Cave Creek, Arizona.


This is a photo of Zee, myself and LaRetta taken in March 2005 in Cave Creek, Arizona.

Pine Glen, Nebraska, Home

Sunday, March 26th, 2006

After Bonesteel, South Dakota, John, Ida, Myrtie, Johnie (the spelling is correct), and LeRoy moved to property in Mondamin, Iowa, that John exchanged for his Bonesteel property, sight unseen. John’s mother Rachel went with them.

They were in Mondamin, Iowa 3 or 4 years, but each year the land flooded. They were able to sell the land and moved to Pine Glen, Nebraska. Mary Ida Crabtree was born while they were in Mondamin.

Here are some photos I have of their Pine Glen home. Rachel Crabtree died there in November of 1908. Mary Higginson Shattuck lived with them at one point, or at least that is what the 1910 census shows.

Of real interest to me is that a Higginson cousin, Raleigh Emry and two of his siblings still own this property. In fact, Raleigh’s family lived in the home for a few years when he was younger.

This is a photo Raleigh took in the 1950s of the Niobrara River Valley from a hill down river (same side), maybe a mile or so, and looking back toward the northwest from the Crabtree Pine Glen home. Keya Paha County is across the river.

The Crabrees in Bonesteel, South Dakota

Sunday, March 26th, 2006

Here is photo from Cal Bivens showing John and Ida Crabtree (sixth adult from the right), daughter Myrtie, son LeRoy, maybe son Johnie, and possibly neighbors/friends Mr. and Mrs. Pense (third from the right).

We think the photo is from about 1903. Do you like all the mud and Grandma Myrtie’s white dress??

John Crabtree was a postmaster in Bonesteel, South Dakota, for a few years. Then he had the establishment you see here. I’m not sure if they also had the “Meals” building. They did have a restaurant in Ainsworth, Nebraska.

John George Lewis Crabtree

Friday, March 24th, 2006

Great Grandpa John is pretty young in this photo.

I don’t have a date as to when this was taken.

John L. Crabtree 1881.

Card to Mary Crabtree from a Cousin

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

This card is to my great aunt, Mary Crabtree (John and Ida Higginson Crabtree’s daughter), from her cousin Alta McCoy. Alta was the granddaughter of Ida Crabtree’s sister, Isabelle Reynolds. Alta’s mother was Della Davis Reynolds McCoy. Special thanks go to Cal Bivens for the copy of the card.

Card to Ida Emily Crabtree from her mother, Mary Higginson Shattuck

Friday, March 17th, 2006

Thank you to Cal Bivens for sending these to me.